ClojureScript Testing with Doo and Figwheel
Torsten Uhlmann
—Tue, 22 Sep 2015

Photo by Torsten Uhlmann
These days I was playing with strategies to run ClojureScript tests. Information about this particular topic is not too easy to find, so here’s a short list of posts I found particularly useful:
- How can you test ClojureScript applications and libraries?
- Testing ClojureScript code with cljs.test with phantomjs and figwheel
The Unit test library used in these cases is cljs.test
One way to run the tests is to add a test and runner configuration to your project.clj
(see the second link for an example).
Another way is to use lein-doo as a way to configure all kinds of different test runners, like Karma, SlimerJs or PhantomJs, and also watch your source directories and run tests on file change.
I was playing with that Doo configuration in my project and ran into a strange error.
My project uses a figwheel configuration, and the funny thing is, figwheel barks on this piece of Doo config:
:main 'example.runner
with the exception:
clojure.lang.PersistentList cannot be cast to
To get around this problem, write the Doo config like this:
:main "example.runner"
Figwheel works again and even Doo still works :)
Hope this might help somebody…