A simple and free MP3 Tag Editor
Torsten Uhlmann
—Tue, 17 Mar 2009

Photo by Torsten Uhlmann
I had some code laying around on my hard disk and thought it might be a good idea to clean it up and release it- so maybe this one is of help for others. I once had a need for a simple MP3 tag editor that I could throw a podcast file upon and have an easy way to change it’s essential tags. It’s a pretty easy tool, it comes with an easy to use installer. Just install, open it, choose a file, edit the tags, save the file and done. Nothing fancy, just useful :) Here’s a screenshot of the thing: Please note that TagInspector only runs on Windows and requires the .Net framework. I did this as a learning project to do something practically with C#- before I put the books back in the shelf. Ah, right, here is the download URL. While you’re there you might want to check for other cool software, both free and commercial that I do offer… Have a great day, Torsten.
My name is Torsten Uhlmann, I’m founder of AGYNAMIX, a tiny (sooo tiiiny its just me) software company specializing in Java software consulting for larger corporations.
I also develop Simidude, a cross platform network clipboard and Drag&Drop tool which you might happen to find useful.